I had been thinking about writing something God has brought up to my attention concerning Sin and why people love it so much. But this morning as I skimmed the pages of the magazine Estilos, I found an article on a new software called "Second Life", something about the article called my attention. They wrote the following: "Why do people use this? Basically, to escape a reality that does not FILL them. A lesser job, a better physique, curiosity for other ways to face life..." vanity of vanities my brother Solomon once said. Let me tell you what this "software" is all about:
-First of all their Catch-Phrase is: "Your World. Your Imagination"
So basically its a world within the world. Only its virtual and you can reinvent they way you look, you can have your own country and your own presidents, your own laws, your own definition of what is Sin, heck I bet you can probably have your own god. Oh wait since its YOUR world, and YOUR creation you are probably YOUR OWN god.
And because it is a game its open to ALL public. Lets raise our kids with this "new" line of thinking (a way of thinking over 6 thousand years old).
Which brings me back to my original reason for this post. Why people LOVE sin.
Througout this entire semester I have been mocked, laughed at, humiliated, called foolish, hypocrite, among other things, and all because I refuse to do what I know is not right, all for being Christian. Now this doesn't bother me, what bothered me was not knowing exactly why they did this. And I have found out why, I've already discussed this in the last blog but i will say it again, facing up to God comes with a responsability, guilt and repentance which they refuse to accept. And that is why people turn to images, software, music, people, statues, strange fires, among other things before they admit to God that they need repentance and a Savior.
People wake up! There is one World, the one we are living in. One Creator, the Lord our God. And One way, One Truth and One Life and that is Jesus Christ.
God Bless you all
Rita M.
Note: This was a very old Post.
[1]: http://secondlife.com/whatis/
I had been thinking about writing something God has brought up to my attention concerning Sin and why people love it so much. But this morning as I skimmed the pages of the magazine Estilos, I found an article on a new software called "Second Life", something about the article called my attention. They wrote the following: "Why do people use this? Basically, to escape a reality that does not FILL them. A lesser job, a better physique, curiosity for other ways to face life..." vanity of vanities my brother Solomon once said. Let me tell you what this "software" is all about:
-First of all their Catch-Phrase is: "Your World. Your Imagination"
"Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its Residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by a total of 8,795,365 Residents from around the globe.
* From the moment you enter the World you'll discover a vast digital continent, teeming with people, entertainment, experiences and opportunity. Once you've explored a bit, perhaps you'll find a perfect parcel of land to build your house or business.
* You'll also be surrounded by the Creations of your fellow Residents. Because Residents retain the rights to their digital creations, they can buy, sell and trade with other Residents.
* The Marketplace currently supports millions of US dollars in monthly transactions. This commerce is handled with the in-world unit-of-trade, the Linden dollar, which can be converted to US dollars at several thriving online Linden Dollar exchanges.
Welcome to Second Life. We look forward to seeing you in-world. "[1] (emphasis mine)
So basically its a world within the world. Only its virtual and you can reinvent they way you look, you can have your own country and your own presidents, your own laws, your own definition of what is Sin, heck I bet you can probably have your own god. Oh wait since its YOUR world, and YOUR creation you are probably YOUR OWN god.
And because it is a game its open to ALL public. Lets raise our kids with this "new" line of thinking (a way of thinking over 6 thousand years old).
Which brings me back to my original reason for this post. Why people LOVE sin.
Througout this entire semester I have been mocked, laughed at, humiliated, called foolish, hypocrite, among other things, and all because I refuse to do what I know is not right, all for being Christian. Now this doesn't bother me, what bothered me was not knowing exactly why they did this. And I have found out why, I've already discussed this in the last blog but i will say it again, facing up to God comes with a responsability, guilt and repentance which they refuse to accept. And that is why people turn to images, software, music, people, statues, strange fires, among other things before they admit to God that they need repentance and a Savior.
People wake up! There is one World, the one we are living in. One Creator, the Lord our God. And One way, One Truth and One Life and that is Jesus Christ.
God Bless you all
Rita M.
Note: This was a very old Post.
[1]: http://secondlife.com/whatis/