I've been reading this book by Tim Lane and Paul Tripp but I've been reading it irregularly, i've read the first two chapters and then the last chapter, chapter 15, and as I read chapter 10 I stumbled across the most insightful and wisest thing i've read in a book on relationships:
"As we look forward to our relationships, we tend to dream of unchallenged unity, unfettered romance, unobstructed communication, mutual cooperation, blanket acceptance and respect, shared decisions, intimate friendship, or absence of conflict. Our dreams tend to forget that our relationships are being lived out in the middle of the already and the not yet. This side of eternity, none of us get to be with the person of our dreams and none of us are ready to be the person of someone else's dreams! We are all flawed people living in a fallen world, but with a faithful God. And at some point in every relationship, we are required to accept graciously who the other person is, even as we humbly admit who we are."Tim Lane and Paul Tripp in Relationships. A mess worth making. Pg.109