Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Truth

Today at Church the Pastor, while talking about the teachings of the Lord found in John 14: 1-31, said something which I completely agree on and its not about traditionalism, and its not about christmas spirit its about the Truth. Among the many teachings found in those 31 verses one of them was that Jesus is Truth and that if we accept Jesus in our hearts we are accepting completely and entirely the Truth, thus we must live in truth and set our hearts apart from lies. For example whenever Parents tell their children about Santa Claus, they have to make up tons and tons of lies just to keep the Santa Claus tradition, and most people do it because they don't want to ruin the Christmas Spirit. And in some cases after the child discovers that his/her parent has been lying to him/her for all of those years they feel deceived, some have even been emotionally distressed because of it. The thing is that the true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, hence the significance of the word CHRISTmas. So, instead of lying and telling your children that santa claus sent them gifts, why not explain to them the real meaning of Christmas, explain to them how Jesus was born and how the three kings brought Him gifts because they knew He was the King of kings. For Jesus said:

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the
kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"

Mathew 19:14

May this christmas and every other christmas be a celebration of Christ's birth.
Rita M.

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