Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bad Memory

This is why we should always write every new idea down on a paper or somewhere, last night as I tossed and turned in bed not being able to sleep I kept thinking of something I wanted to write about on my blog, since I have ashamedly abandoned it, but I didn't write it down I just went to sleep. Now, I've been trying to remember but I simply forgot, so I'll just have to wait t'ill it comes back to me again.
But I will share that I have neglected this blog because of a series of situations that happened to me but by God's grace all is well and I'm ready to get back to writing :)


Stephanie said...

I'm glad all is well and that you'll be back to writing soon, I've missed your posts. :)

I understand though - I've neglected my blog quite a bit as well. Partly because I just don't know how to write about alot of what's been going on in my life right now, or it seems to personal for a public blog. I do miss blogging though, maybe I'll pick it up again more regularly.

God bless you Rita!

Moon said...

Steph I know exactly what you mean, same goes for me as well :) Hope you get back to blogging too! :D

God bless you!

Penn Tomassetti said...

has it come back to you yet?