Saturday, July 26, 2008

Prayer Request

If there is a powerful tool the Lord has left us, that changes a person, it edifies, it connects us to the Lord, connects us to others, it brings us to our knees, it brings us closer to God, through it the Lord heals, through it the Lord transforms, through it the Lord delivers, it is prayer.
In the OT we are given so many examples of God's faithfulness to answer the prayers of a faithful servant, Moses. We are told in God's word to:
1. Confess our sins to one another
2. Pray for another, that we may be healed.
And finally are told that:
3. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. (and we see this come true all through out the OT and NT)
* James 5:16
Well now I urge you brethren to join me and so many others in prayer for a faithful brother in Christ who is going through some health issues, Jim Bublitz from Old Truth, here's part his closing message from his website:

I have, as of late experienced some medical problems that make it impossible for me to continue blogging at this time. I recently learned that I have "Non Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver" which will require a liver transplant in order to survive beyond the next several years. For the past month I've spent a double-digit number of hours per day sleeping and have lost over 60 pounds in water retention. As some of you know, I've also been battling broken bones this last year, several of which are still giving me some problems.

Through all of this, my family and church in Milwaukee have been incredibly supportive, and I'd like to thank them all. A special thanks goes out to Chad who has not only helped me with blogging through the months, but has also been a loyal friend and brother in the Lord. I am looking to the Lord through all of this and know that he has good that comes from these things (Romans 8:28). I'm at a loss as to how unbelievers are able to make it through these types of things without looking to the Lord for strength.

I would love to return to blogging one day, perhaps after I receive a transplant, but that may be months or even a couple of years. For right now, I've been told to expect to get more sick as the months go on, so needless to say - I have some big challenges ahead of me.

Please pray for Jim and his family, that they may be strengthened through this hard time in their lives, that they may be encouraged through this, that the Lord may heal him, and that contrary to what the doctors have told him about feeling worse that the Lord may delay or stop those symptoms that are to come.


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